December 06, 2012

Frisca Freddy-A Hope for Tomorrow


She impresses me.

Not only those soulful eyes that peeps out from a demurred face. But more her ability to appeal in a soft gentle manner.

Penny for Your Thoughts

Meeting her was more my fortune and blessing than hers.

I was at the Linkages Programme at the Science Centre when I met her by chance.

Part Salako from Kalimantan and part Bidayauh, she is currently a Broadcast Journalism student at SEGI University College in Kuching.

Youthful Vibrancy

What caught my fancy was also her pretty good English.

Only when googling that I found she models as well.

Lost  in Rapture

Here is Frisca Freddy.


Food Glorious Food

Come uppance

Adorable Angel

A moment....

1 comment:

Frisca Freddy said...

Hi, I am Frisca Freddy. I was very surprised when I came across this, and I would like to say, thank you for the blog. May I know who are you and how where did you got all of my photos? If you happens to read this, please write to me at my e-mail address:

Warmest regards,