April 07, 2010
Julius Caesar: Act 1 -Summary and Analysis
As the drama,"Julius Caesar" will still be used until 2012 for the SPM English Literature Paper, let us look at Act 1, Scene 1.
The scene opens with two Roman tribunes,Flavius and Murellus watching the common people parading in the streets instead of working in their shops. A cobbler informs them that the people are celebrating Caesar's victory. Murellus is furious to and told them that Caesar has killed the sons of Pompey and not routed the enemy. Pompey was in alliance with Caesar to rule Rome but they fell apart and went into battle. Flavius speech shamed the commoners and the left. The tribunes then started removing the imperial crowns placed on all the statues of Caesar. Next, they drove the commoners back into their houses to stop the celebration.
In Scene 2, we see Julius Caesar returning to Rome with Brutus,Mark Antony on February 15 on the festival of Lupercalia. Caesar tells Antony to strike his wife Calpunia to rid her of sterity. He conform to Caesar's wishes. A sothsayer approached him to warn his of the 'Ides of March'. Caesar took him to be a dreamer,ignored his warning and left the scene with his men.
Meanwhile,Brutus and Cassius remained where Brutus was told that he seems to be serious lately by Cassius.
Brutus tells him that he is "with himself at war" (1.2.48) and that Cassius should not worry about it. After a shout and cheering from offstage, Brutus remarks he is afraid the people will crown Caesar king. Cassius is thrilled to hear this, and tells Brutus that they were both born as free men the same way Caesar was.
He then tells Brutus a story in which he and Caesar were holding a swimming contest across the Tiber river, and Caesar almost drowned. Cassius claims that he rescued Caesar and carried him to the shore. He then complains that Caesar has become so powerful that even though he once saved Caesar's life, he must now bow before him.
Cassius then provokes Brutus that "Brutus" is just as good a name as "Caesar", to rule Rome.He invokes the image of Brutus' ancestor who founded the Roman Republic and expelled the former kings. Brutus, is now afraid that Caesar will become a king. He struggles whether to join Cassius in going against Caesar, but decides against it.
Caesar returns, accompanied by his followers. As if,on cue, he turns to Antony and remarks that he rather have fa,sleek headed men who sleep well at night than the likes of Cassius with his ' hungry look' which he senses, is dangerous. (1.2.193-196). Antony dismisses Caesar's concern, but Caesar is not convinced that Cassius is completely trustworthy. He requested Antony to discuss if anything should need his attention.
Casca remains on stage and tells Brutus and Cassius that the three shouts they just heard were of Antony offering Caesar the crown three times but he had turned it down each time. Casca then tells them that Caesar is an epileptic and had swooned and fell down with a foaming mouth. When Caesar awoke,he begged forgiveness for his weakness. Casca tells them that the people quickly forgave Caesar and worshiped him even more for not accepting the crown. He also reported that Murellus and Flavius were removed from office from removinf decorations from Caesar's statues
Cassius intends to lure Casca to join the conspiracy against Caesar. He invites Casca to dinner the next night. Brutus takes his leave, agreeing to meet with Cassius the next night as well. In a soliloquy, Cassius informs the audience that he will fake several handwritten notes and throw them into Brutus' room in an attempt to make influence him that the common people wants action to be taken against Caesar. In Scene 3, Casca meets Cicero, a Roman orator and tells him that strange things were happening on the roads in Rome. These includes a slave with a burning yet uninjured left hand, a lion loose on the street and an owl hooting in the daytime.Cicero tells him it is up to him to interpret these as he likes and leaves. Cassius arrives and tells Casca there is a reason for all these strange happenings in which Casca surmised must be due to Caesar. Casca tells Cassius that senators are scheming to make Caesar a king the next morning. This made Cassius sorrowful and he draws his dagger spontaneously to show that he will rather die than let Caesar come to power.Casca agrees to work with Cassius to prevent Caesar from taking power. Cinna, a co-conspirator arrives and takes a piece of paper from Cassius. They left together to throw the handwritten notes through Brutus' window knowing that Brutus will be influenced to their side.
Note that the common people were described as 'You blocks,you stones,you worse than senseless things(1.1.34). This imagery alluding the masses as stones will continue through out the play.The people are stereotyped as fickle and easily swayed by whoever that speaks to them. This is evidenced when Brutus first spoke. The agreed with him only to support Antony when he spoke to them later on. They then turn into a mob to go after Brutus and Cassius.
The play also holds much contemporary appeal. Calpurnia's means Caesar does not have an heir, something many English worried about as Queen Elizabeth also had no heir. However, in the play, Caesar's desire for an heir has a darker meaning .He tells Antony, "Forget not your speed, Antonio, / To touch Calpurnia, for our elders say / The barren, touched in this holy chase, / Shake off their sterile curse" (1.2.8-11). Brutus interprets the importance Caesar places on this issue as evidence Caesar hopes to create a dynasty, thus fueling Brutus' reasons for destroy Caesar.
In the opening scenes, many will get mixed signals interpreting or misinterpreting them. For instance,Cicero tells Cassius, "Indeed, it is a strange-disposed time; / But men may construe things after their fashion, / Clean from the purpose of the things themselves" (1.3.33-35).
With this statement, he implies that each man will interpret signs according to what he believes, and will thus ignore the signs' true menaings. Caesar proves Cicero correct by dismissing the soothsayer's warning and later ignoring Calpurnia's dream of his death. Omens abound during these scenes, with the tempestuous weather, an owl screeching during the day, and a lion roaming in the streets.
The mirror, so often invoked in other Shakespearean plays, is also a significant image in Julius Caesar. For example, Cassius asks Brutus, "Tell me, good Brutus, can you see your face?" (1.2.53). He continues, "That you have no such mirrors as will turn / Your hidden worthiness into your eye / That you might see your shadow...I, your glass" (1.2.58-60, 70). Essentially Cassius tells Brutus that he will be the mirror who reflects back to Brutus his true feelings and nature. At this moment, the reader recognizes Cassius has a private agenda and is providing Brutus with a false mirror.
Cassius continues to manipulate Brutus by comparing him to Caesar, asking "Brutus and Caesar: what should be in that 'Caesar'? / Why should that name be sounded more than yours? / Write them together: yours is as fair a name...Conjure with 'em: / 'Brutus' will start a spirit as soon as 'Caesar'" (1.2.143-148). Cassius hopes to incite jealousy and a desire for power in Brutus, and also reveals that he believes Caesar is their equal.
Furthermore, Cassius invokes Brutus' ancestor, Lucius Junius Brutus a man famous for expelling the former kings of Rome, in his attempt to sway Brutus. Brutus responded to his flattery and in fact refers to it later on when deciding whether or not to join the conspirators.
Caesar's description of Cassius is clearly disapproving, and at once shows the reader that he will be a source of conflict: "Let me have men about me that are fat, / Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep a-nights. / Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look. / He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous" (1.2.193-196). Caesar continues, "He [Cassius] reads much, / He is a great observer, and he looks / Quite through the deeds of men. He loves no plays, / As thou dost, Antony; he hears no music. (1.2.202-205). Generally, Shakespearean characters that do not enjoy music or plays are inherently evil. Caesar fears Cassius because he does not enjoy life, whereas he trusts Antony who is almost famous for his ability to have a good time.
Two sides of Caesar exist in the play: Caesar as a concept and as a human being. The human in Caesar is weak, needs Cassius to save him from drowning and has epileptic fits. However, the mental concept of Caesar, the great general and leader is all powerful and noble. His every word is a command, and the people follow him.
Throughout the play, Caesar demonstrates an inability to effectively communicate, a theme reflected in much of the play's action. For example, in the first act the tribunes and plebeians talk across each other rather than to one another. Later on, Brutus and Cassius are constantly interrupted by shouts offstage, breaking their conversion and distracting Brutus.
Caesar's particular weakness in communication stems from his being deaf in his left ear. At one point he requests, "Come on my right hand, for this ear is deaf, / And tell me truly what thou think'st of him" (1.2.214-215). Caesar's deafness is in fact symbolic of his unwillingness to see danger in the world around him. As such, he dismisses the soothsayer and his wife Calpurnia's dream rather than accepting their morbid predictions.
In Richard II, the fall of Richard is represented by his constant descent from the throne. Similarly, Shakespeare foreshadows Caesar's fall in Julius Caesar when Caesar has an epileptic fit in the public square. This imagery of falling also coincides with the decline of language comprehension immediately thereafter. For example, Casca describes Cicero's speech saying, "It was Greek to me" (1.2.178), an expression that has since become cliche.
The action of the play is mostly focused on Brutus, a man who dominates the plot and speaks the most lines. Thus, some might wonder why the play is titled after Julius Caesar. Traditionally, Shakespeare named his plays after rulers ( Henry VIII,Richard III).
However, upon a close read, Julius Caesar does truly revolve around Caesar. Brutus' internal conflict is a struggle between his friendship for Caesar and his loyalty to the Roman Republic. Indeed, Caesar's influence on the plot continues even after his death, specifically when his ghost appears to Brutus, indicating the memory and myth of Caesar will never die.
Learning English
China: Beyond 10% Growth in 2010
BEIJING, April 8 — China’s economy is likely to grow by more than 10 per cent in 2010, thanks to recovering exports and rising consumption, a government researcher said in remarks published today.
Gross domestic product expanded 8.7 per cent in 2009. Growth of 10 per cent this year would almost certainly catapult China past Japan and make it the world’s second-largest economy.
Chen Dongqi, deputy head of the macro economic research institute under the National Development and Reform Commission, the top economic planner, also said growth in industrial output this year would reach 18 per cent or more.
Consumer inflation can be held within comfortable limits given the plentiful supply of grains and durable goods, although inflationary risk would mount in the next one or two years, Chen told the People’s Daily’s overseas edition.
He sounded a warning note that the rising bill for imported raw materials and increasing resource taxes would add to corporate costs, pushing up producer prices in coming quarters.
Chen played down concern about a property bubble. “The tightening measures launched in recent months will gradually curb the acceleration in property prices,” he told the newspaper. — Reuters
Gross domestic product expanded 8.7 per cent in 2009. Growth of 10 per cent this year would almost certainly catapult China past Japan and make it the world’s second-largest economy.
Chen Dongqi, deputy head of the macro economic research institute under the National Development and Reform Commission, the top economic planner, also said growth in industrial output this year would reach 18 per cent or more.
Consumer inflation can be held within comfortable limits given the plentiful supply of grains and durable goods, although inflationary risk would mount in the next one or two years, Chen told the People’s Daily’s overseas edition.
He sounded a warning note that the rising bill for imported raw materials and increasing resource taxes would add to corporate costs, pushing up producer prices in coming quarters.
Chen played down concern about a property bubble. “The tightening measures launched in recent months will gradually curb the acceleration in property prices,” he told the newspaper. — Reuters
Najib Takes Two Independents to Washington?
I was reading G Manimaran's posting in the Malaysian Insider this morning and what perked me was his article headline that virtually shouted out Najib is bringing along two independents to Washington for a caucus.
If it is true, then it is a coup of sorts for Najib.
Will there be more horse-trading to get more to join the Independent bench? That we have yet to see.
Najib knows what he is doing is against the better judgment of his people in UMNO but it will be a coup de grace for him if he succeeds in decimating Pakatan Rakyat representation in Parliament.
This is a new game. Will he succeed? Can he buy these two independents to do his deeds?
Let us seen the train of events that is going to emanate from this new twist of politicking.
If it is true, then it is a coup of sorts for Najib.
Will there be more horse-trading to get more to join the Independent bench? That we have yet to see.
Najib knows what he is doing is against the better judgment of his people in UMNO but it will be a coup de grace for him if he succeeds in decimating Pakatan Rakyat representation in Parliament.
This is a new game. Will he succeed? Can he buy these two independents to do his deeds?
Let us seen the train of events that is going to emanate from this new twist of politicking.
Central Banks: The Need to Hold on to Stimulus Policies

When the time comes to unwind those measures, however, they will not be able to synchronise steps and will have to act individually, he told Reuters after a meeting of central bankers from countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
“The governors have noted that the significant factor here is the strength of the recovery, both globally and in our respective jurisdictions, so if the recovery continues to be fragile then there is some scope for keeping the monetary and fiscal stimulus in place, of course with due recognition that doing that could pose challenges to inflation management,” he said.
“I don’t think we will be able to synchronise our moves,” he said, adding that pledges to enhance the exchange of information with regard to policy would be useful.
Asean groups an array of economies, including Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. So far, only Vietnam and Malaysia have raised interest rates, although others have taken steps to signal a wind-down of stimulus policies enacted during the global slowdown. — Reuters
UK: On The Road to Recovery
A Reuters report indicates that though Britain’s modest economic recovery remains on track, the service sector growth slowed last month and a looming public spending squeeze is making firms reluctant to invest.
The health of the economy remains a key factor in a May 6 election which is shaping up as the most closely watch fight for a generation. The CIPS/Markit purchasing managers’ index showed the country’s services sector expanded less than expected in March.
The reading slipped to 56.5 from February’s three-year high of 58.3.
Separate figures from the Office for National Statistics showed services output fell in the first month of the year at its fastest monthly pace since August.
A survey from the British Chambers of Commerce showed export balances for both services and manufacturing firms improved at the start of this year. However, investment balances worsened and confidence remained low by pre-recession standards.
There was also a marked divergence between the services sector, which continued to strengthen, and the manufacturing sector which stagnated.
“The results support the view that GDP growth stayed positive in the first quarter, but the recovery is set to remain fragile and sluggish,” said David Kern, BCC chief economist.
Another survey, from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, showed the number of people placed in permanent jobs rose last month at the fastest rate since October 1997.
However the report noted that the return of confidence was confined to the private sector and the public sector was set for a long period of belt-tightening.
“The public sector recession which clearly is on the cards hasn’t hit the jobs market yet but when it does, the upward trend we have seen over the last couple of months may come to a halt,” said Bernard Brown, a partner at KPMG.
The economy’s emergence from recession in the fourth quarter of last year allowed the ruling Labour Party to regain some popular support.
Polls are now pointing to a “hung parliament” in next month’s election, with the centre-right Conservative party having a greater share of the vote but not enough seats in parliament to secure an overall majority.
An inconclusive election result is the worst-case scenario for financial markets, which want the next government to have a clear mandate to tackle a budget deficit forecast to exceed 11 percent of GDP in the 2010/11 fiscal year.
Favourable winds are few at the moment, though interest rates remain at record lows. The Bank of England slashed rates to 0.5 per cent in March last year and is not expected to raise them until the fourth quarter of this year at the earliest.
Inflation, which surged well above target at the turn of the year, also looks set to be abating and most economists expect it to retreat below 2 per cent by the end of the year.
There was good news on that score from the British Retail Consortium which said shop price inflation slowed to 1.2 per cent last month, its weakest pace since November.
“Falling shop price inflation is particularly welcome relief for consumers as they face sharp rises in other living costs, such as fuel,” said Stephen Robertson, director general of the British Retail Consortium.
My Take:
Looks like a fragile recovery that may halt any time!
The health of the economy remains a key factor in a May 6 election which is shaping up as the most closely watch fight for a generation. The CIPS/Markit purchasing managers’ index showed the country’s services sector expanded less than expected in March.
The reading slipped to 56.5 from February’s three-year high of 58.3.
Separate figures from the Office for National Statistics showed services output fell in the first month of the year at its fastest monthly pace since August.
A survey from the British Chambers of Commerce showed export balances for both services and manufacturing firms improved at the start of this year. However, investment balances worsened and confidence remained low by pre-recession standards.
There was also a marked divergence between the services sector, which continued to strengthen, and the manufacturing sector which stagnated.
“The results support the view that GDP growth stayed positive in the first quarter, but the recovery is set to remain fragile and sluggish,” said David Kern, BCC chief economist.
Another survey, from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, showed the number of people placed in permanent jobs rose last month at the fastest rate since October 1997.
However the report noted that the return of confidence was confined to the private sector and the public sector was set for a long period of belt-tightening.
“The public sector recession which clearly is on the cards hasn’t hit the jobs market yet but when it does, the upward trend we have seen over the last couple of months may come to a halt,” said Bernard Brown, a partner at KPMG.
The economy’s emergence from recession in the fourth quarter of last year allowed the ruling Labour Party to regain some popular support.
Polls are now pointing to a “hung parliament” in next month’s election, with the centre-right Conservative party having a greater share of the vote but not enough seats in parliament to secure an overall majority.
An inconclusive election result is the worst-case scenario for financial markets, which want the next government to have a clear mandate to tackle a budget deficit forecast to exceed 11 percent of GDP in the 2010/11 fiscal year.
Favourable winds are few at the moment, though interest rates remain at record lows. The Bank of England slashed rates to 0.5 per cent in March last year and is not expected to raise them until the fourth quarter of this year at the earliest.
Inflation, which surged well above target at the turn of the year, also looks set to be abating and most economists expect it to retreat below 2 per cent by the end of the year.
There was good news on that score from the British Retail Consortium which said shop price inflation slowed to 1.2 per cent last month, its weakest pace since November.
“Falling shop price inflation is particularly welcome relief for consumers as they face sharp rises in other living costs, such as fuel,” said Stephen Robertson, director general of the British Retail Consortium.
My Take:
Looks like a fragile recovery that may halt any time!
Australia: Another Cash Rate Increase
Australia is indeed pushing the envelope.Like the proverbial kangaroo, it has pony up the cash rate by another 25 basis points. In 14 months,the rate of 4.25% is the highest with speculation that the cash rate will be 5% by year's end.
Let us read the Reuters report.
"SYDNEY: Australia’s central bank raised its key cash rate by 25 basis points to a 14-month high of 4.25% yesterday and flagged further moves ahead as the resource-rich nation rides a tide of Asian demand.
The Australian dollar climbed and bill futures slid after the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) delivered its fifth hike in seven months, far outstripping any other developed country.
And there was more to come.
“The bottom line here is that as the economy normalises so will interest rates, so we’d still expect to see a cash rate of 5% by the end of the year,” said Michael Blythe, chief economist at Commonwealth Bank.
Investors have already priced in just such an outcome, though they were less sure whether the central bank would move as early as its next policy meeting in May. Interbank futures were showing a one-in-three chance of a rise to 4.5% next month.
“The Board judges that with growth likely to be around trend and inflation close to target over the coming year, it is appropriate for interest rates to be closer to average. Today’s decision is a further step in that process,” the central bank said in a statement.
RBA has indicated that the average, or normal, rates would fall somewhere in the range of 4.25% to 4.75%.
“They are sticking to the big picture that the global economy is improving and things here are picking up,” said Paul Brennan, head of market economics at Citi.
The economy has been supported by aggressive fiscal and monetary stimulus, a stable banking system and strong demand for Australia’s commodity exports from Asia, especially China.
“So, rates should be raised to normal levels quickly. We expect a rise to 5.25% by December,” Brennan said.
That would take Australian rates even further above those in other developed nations, one reason the local dollar hit a fresh record high on the euro yesterday.
The country’s good fortune owes much to the insatiable demand for commodities from Asia, especially China and India, which is generating huge price rises for iron ore and coal, Australia’s two biggest export earners.
Combined with a strong Australian dollar, which is pushing the price of imports down, this is set to deliver a sizeable increase to the country’s terms of trade.
To meet overseas demand, resource firms have embarked on ambitious investment plans, including A$43bil for one massive liquefied natural gas project in the Gorgon field.
Stephen Walters, chief economist at JPMorgan estimates that, added to government spending on infrastructure, there are A$700bil worth of projects in the investment pipeline, equal to about 60% of gross domestic product.
That, in turn, has helped drive a remarkable recovery in the labour market. Almost 200,000 jobs have been created since August while the unemployment rate dropped half a percentage point to just 5.3%.
This time last year policymakers had feared the jobless rate would top 8%.
There was more upbeat news yesterday with ANZ’s monthly survey of job adverts showing a 1.8% rise in March, an impressive result given it came on top of a 19.1% in February.
The surge in jobs has lifted household incomes and driven house prices to record highs, while also boosting the government budget through higher tax receipts and lower welfare payments.
But with skill shortages already appearing in engineering and construction, such strength also threatens to push wages higher.
“The economy is in better shape than anyone dared hope, so it’s natural that rates should return to the average of the past,” said Rory Robertson, interest rate strategist at Macquarie. “But that doesn’t mean average is a stopping point.”
“If the economy continues to grow above trend and unemployment to be below average, then the RBA will quickly shift to a tighter stance,” he argued. “We could easily see rates at 6% to 6.5% by the end of next year.”
My Take:
For those who invested in Aussie dollars,they must be laughing themselves blind!
Let us read the Reuters report.
"SYDNEY: Australia’s central bank raised its key cash rate by 25 basis points to a 14-month high of 4.25% yesterday and flagged further moves ahead as the resource-rich nation rides a tide of Asian demand.
The Australian dollar climbed and bill futures slid after the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) delivered its fifth hike in seven months, far outstripping any other developed country.
And there was more to come.
“The bottom line here is that as the economy normalises so will interest rates, so we’d still expect to see a cash rate of 5% by the end of the year,” said Michael Blythe, chief economist at Commonwealth Bank.
Investors have already priced in just such an outcome, though they were less sure whether the central bank would move as early as its next policy meeting in May. Interbank futures were showing a one-in-three chance of a rise to 4.5% next month.
“The Board judges that with growth likely to be around trend and inflation close to target over the coming year, it is appropriate for interest rates to be closer to average. Today’s decision is a further step in that process,” the central bank said in a statement.
RBA has indicated that the average, or normal, rates would fall somewhere in the range of 4.25% to 4.75%.
“They are sticking to the big picture that the global economy is improving and things here are picking up,” said Paul Brennan, head of market economics at Citi.
The economy has been supported by aggressive fiscal and monetary stimulus, a stable banking system and strong demand for Australia’s commodity exports from Asia, especially China.
“So, rates should be raised to normal levels quickly. We expect a rise to 5.25% by December,” Brennan said.
That would take Australian rates even further above those in other developed nations, one reason the local dollar hit a fresh record high on the euro yesterday.
The country’s good fortune owes much to the insatiable demand for commodities from Asia, especially China and India, which is generating huge price rises for iron ore and coal, Australia’s two biggest export earners.
Combined with a strong Australian dollar, which is pushing the price of imports down, this is set to deliver a sizeable increase to the country’s terms of trade.
To meet overseas demand, resource firms have embarked on ambitious investment plans, including A$43bil for one massive liquefied natural gas project in the Gorgon field.
Stephen Walters, chief economist at JPMorgan estimates that, added to government spending on infrastructure, there are A$700bil worth of projects in the investment pipeline, equal to about 60% of gross domestic product.
That, in turn, has helped drive a remarkable recovery in the labour market. Almost 200,000 jobs have been created since August while the unemployment rate dropped half a percentage point to just 5.3%.
This time last year policymakers had feared the jobless rate would top 8%.
There was more upbeat news yesterday with ANZ’s monthly survey of job adverts showing a 1.8% rise in March, an impressive result given it came on top of a 19.1% in February.
The surge in jobs has lifted household incomes and driven house prices to record highs, while also boosting the government budget through higher tax receipts and lower welfare payments.
But with skill shortages already appearing in engineering and construction, such strength also threatens to push wages higher.
“The economy is in better shape than anyone dared hope, so it’s natural that rates should return to the average of the past,” said Rory Robertson, interest rate strategist at Macquarie. “But that doesn’t mean average is a stopping point.”
“If the economy continues to grow above trend and unemployment to be below average, then the RBA will quickly shift to a tighter stance,” he argued. “We could easily see rates at 6% to 6.5% by the end of next year.”
My Take:
For those who invested in Aussie dollars,they must be laughing themselves blind!
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