April 03, 2014

Bad Spelling Can Be Deadly

Mortally Wounding

Bad spelling can indeed be deadly!

This example exemplifies it.

A man received a text from his Indian neighbour ... 

"Sorry sir, I am using your wife with no permission...

I am using day and night ...

I am using when you are not present at home....

In fact I using more than you using.....

I confess this because now I feel very much guilt...

Hope you will accept my sincere apologies "
...... Distraught, the man shot his wife.......

A few minutes later he received another text:

Sorry sir, spelling mistake ... wifi not wife.

Nothing but the Tongue Truth

We Need Joyful Tongues!

Oh, yes the tongue has to be the most dangerous organ in the human body.

It can spin wondrous magic by saying the right words and it can damn you miserably for all eternity.

Let us study the words that emanates from the tongue.

Is it saying things that are true?
Has it spoken kind words?
Has it spoken only necessary words?

If the answer is negative or a mix bag, it definitely is not doing a very good job.