November 14, 2012

SkyFall-Intermission for Changing of the Guards?

Looks that way for sure.

Skyfall is written in such a way as to dispose of Dame Judi Dench as M; to give an African American lady the role of Money Penny and to give Ralph Fiennes the role of M. Yes, and Javier Bardem  that dastardly Spanish character actor with the worse haircut from,  No Country for Old Men as the arch villain after M's hide!

Shanghai Shoot-out
As for Berenece Lee Marlohe, it was a great introduction of a Eurasian Cambodian Chinese in the role of a Bond girl, even though her role was brief as she was shot to death by Silva  after a little apple shooting episode of William Tell in modern times.

Going to Skyfall,Scotland
Skyfall, a place in Scotland was to see one hell of a fire-fight between Bond,M and the villain of the pack Silva played to the hilt by Javier Bardem, met his death curiously via the tip and  blade of a cold steel knife.

Brief Introduction
As Albert Finney's character was wont to say, " If all else fails, use this!"

Money Penny
New Q
This movie has a lot of punch and fire power.

Dark and Broody!

Spanish Nemesis
Another great outing for Daniel Craig!

The New M

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