January 16, 2012

Standard and Poor's European Downgrade

Making Everyone Poorer!
When the news came into the market that Standard and Poor's have downgraded the credit ratings of some major European economies, everyone expected the backwash effects to overwhelm Asian markets and Wall Street.Only Germany withstood the downgrade.

As there were no illuminating news from Wall Street, today saw a swath of red ink encompassing major regional markets.

So Bursa went down more than 14 points at today's close.

Even resilient shares like Digi got hit and went down 3 sen.

 The big boys like BAT,Genting Berhad, GAB and Dutch Lady took wallops at their broadsides.

Interestingly shares such as Maybulk bucked the trend. What is happening here? Is Kuok taking this counter private as well? Good to watch for any developments here.

Also shares such as LPI recovered on closing to end unchanged at RM14.00 as the dividend payout of 50 sen occur on this Friday, 20th January.

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