July 10, 2009

Shane-Still Engrossing

Yes, I finally watched Shane, touted to be the mother of all cowboy movies. Starring Alan Ladd, Van Heflin and Jean Arthur,it is bit dialogy. A tad slow by today's standards but the story-line is more of a rancher trying to amass land by crowding out the others through brute force. The rancher finally hired a gun-slinger played menacingly by Jack Palance,his hallmark throughout his entire movie-life right up to his demise.

The sub-plot is more of a boy, coming of age played by Brandon De Wilde, much enamoured by Shane which he took as a father figure.

The final scene when Shane guns down Wilson;the Jack Palance character in a saloon is supposed to be the gunfight of all times and this type of action scene was later to be adopted by the spaghetti movies.

Does Shane lives on and will he die as he rode into the sunset as he was also shot in the chest? That is the 64,000 dollar question.

I did have some nostalgia, watching the movie this time around.

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