June 07, 2009

Teaching Bahasa Malaysia

A friend asked me whether I could teach him Bahasa Malaysia as he needed it to converse with investing partners in Kelantan. However, he could not spend much time with me. So face-to-face contact is out.

So I suggested using cyberspace. What I would do is to teach him words thematically.

Take for example the word-makan. It means to eat.

Next, add prefixes and suffixes to it.

The common ones would do. The words generated could range from: makanan (food), dimakan(to be eaten), bermakan (to eat-depends on context), memakan(to eat-depends on context), pemakanan (nutrition,diet)and so forth.

Then these words will be shown its usage in the literal form. For example:

Mereka sedang bermakan dengan kawan-kawan sepejabat. (They are eating with their office mates.)

The usage in figurative sentences are also provided. For example:

Kita bukan orang kaya. Kita makan gaji.(We are not rich. We work for a salary)

I have yet to get a response from my friend on this mode of teaching.

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