June 03, 2014

Foreign Worker Dormitories

Laugh no more. It's real!

Foreign workers particularly from Bangladesh are now staying in commercial areas.

Investors who thought they can make big bucks renting out commercial premises were stuck with such units.

So, instead of leaving their units vacant, they decided to rent these units out to developers and contractors to house their workers on the cheap. In fact, such dormitories or workers hostels  are oftentimes near the site of work or the workers were bused in and out if it is a distant away.

Apart from Kota Damansara and other areas where the KL MRT project is slowly being implemented, Aman Perdana in Meru  is one such enclave for the housing of foreign workers.

These photos tells a million words.

Bused in and bused out

Sundry washings on the Stairways

24 Hours Sleep-in Beds
These are the shop-lots which you will pass as you drive into Aman Perdana. Things are dull during the day.

Then the workers come back in the evening from their factories and work-sites.

A hive of activity has just begun.

They played football and badminton on the road and interestingly like to play " Where is the Queen?" which is a sleigh of hand trick game.

Workers lived on the ground floors as well as the upper floors of the multiple shop-lots built just outside the guarded and gated elite residencies of  Aman Perdana.

Most of the 150 lots have been rented out to house these Bangladeshi workers. Their living conditions are less than conducive.

On the other hand, the Aman Perdana residents  mostly stay in bungalows and Semi-Ds with two lovely lakes running through their neighbourhood. Guards are  at stationed at entry and exit points and boom gates to ensure that visitors are checked before leaving the neighbourhood.

What a contrast!

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