May 20, 2014

A Mortal Rebuttal to Gloaters

The Bridge Beyond
When the fringe of society gloated over the death of Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang, the DAP advisor  wrote this response to remind them that every one will meet their maker- is is only when and how.

I think it is beautifully crafted.

A Promise to Insensitive Politicians
By Lim Kit Siang

Dear Sirs,

At some point in the future, you will depart from this world, as I will.

It would be a time of intense grief and mourning for your loved ones.

During that particular period, I promise not to gleefully gloat over your death. I further give you my word, that I will not claim, that my Maker, unique to my faith, had a hand in it. 

Although you may not realise it, to do so is despicably cruel and completely unbecoming of any human being. Only a beast or an imbecile would behave in such a manner.

I also promise not to splash your morbid or gory photos in death over the internet, to boost my Twitter and Face-book ratings. You may not be aware that such a move does not bring fame, only infamy.
In addition, I give you my word that if I can't find a decent word or two to express my condolences, I shall keep mum. 

This is because, to condemn you in death would only bring shame to me. 

I sincerely believe that I am above such behaviour, as most Malaysians are, save for a
lunatic fringe of the society.

I will also endeavour not to attribute your passing to divine retribution, after all, who am I to pass judgement? 

I am not the Almighty, after all.

In the event you have difficulty understanding or appreciating the promises that I have agreed to undertake, I have little else to offer you, but my condolences. 

For it is truly a tragedy to be cursed with so little insight and compassion.

Very truly yours,

A fellow human.

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