July 21, 2013

White House Down Two Times Deja Vu

Fuqua Magic is Intact
Would you believe it?

Two movies in the same season using the White House as their plot-line.

Not too Juicy a Role

Of these movies, Olympus Has Fallen and White House Down, the superior direction lifted one way above the other in all aspects. Antoine Fuqua's direction of the former was tight and it was not all that predictable when compared to the latter.

Bassett has a Punchy Role
The casting for Olympus especially with Morgan Freeman  in the lead as the Speaker of the House, Aaron Eckhart as  President Adler and  Gerard Butler as Army Ranger Mike Banning, the one man army that sets everything right making this an A1 movie. Radha Mitchell and Angela Bassett provided the eye candy.

Poor Competitor
Compare to this, White House Down was a feeble effort to develop a gung-ho macho movie platform for Channing Tatum as a new Bruce Willis as in lengendary Die Hard. Jamie Foxx played an insipid President of the USA.

The only twist in the film  is the role of  Tatum's on-screen daughter in exposing the villains which perhaps add some flavour to an otherwise predictable and boring movie. Maggie Gyllenhaal does play her role well as a staff member of the Security Detail of the White-house with her controversial confirmation of the 'JFK-Marilyn Monroe' tunnels.

Go see Olympus Has Fallen and if possible give White House Down, a miss!

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