November 17, 2011


There was a definite ring of joyful happiness at most primary schools this morning.

Students who did well with either a 7/7 straight As or a 5/5 straight As leapt with joy; brimming with glee. Others who scored lesser As felt contented though disappointment did show on some faces.

However,less than 10% of the total 485,160 Year Six pupils who sat for the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) exam this year scored all As.

Whatever it was, primary school education is over as these students march in  as the next cohort into the secondary schools come 2012.

For many, the government change of heart to allow English as the medium to teach Science and Maths until 2020 has been  God-sent. I do hope these students will 'seize the day' to improve upon their life chances notw that they have got this reprieve.

 My brother-in-law's daughter Su Chern got straight As for all seven subject and my tuition student Lam got his full quota of 5 As. At this juncture, I  have yet to find out what grades my other tuition students got.

My congratulations to them all.

Great days lies ahead for them.

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