July 16, 2011


Yes, this is no ordinary domestic scene.

Oftentimes, it is quite the opposite.

More reminiscent of Mad Magazine's The Shadow Tells.


marina said...


just want to ask, have you got the result for the commissioner for oath's exam?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely great picture! Hello, I am Don, first time reader. Please allow me to comment on your next most recent post as well. It really stretches my imagination to think that Tiger Wood's wife was enough to keep in interested. Evidently Tiger and Marc need some serious glasses, as far as I'm concerned, they were each hugely fortunate to land the ladies they did, neither man is handsome of me, and money can be found in many places. Oh well! TC Don

Family of Four said...


There is no response. So it is an either delayed positive and a very likely negative. Keep your fingers crossed, won't you?

All the best.

Family of Four said...

Old Geezer,

I am 100% with you!