May 15, 2010

Flipping Fantastic: The 3 Characters Focus

Let us revisit," Flipping Fantastic" with an exercise.

Cloze exercises are not really that easy as many would like it to be. Believe me, not many score in this type of format. The careful ones do, nevertheless.

Let us have a' cloze-up' with these three characters. We will look at the twins and their mother.

The main star is Tristan. The words provided to you are:

[day,smarter,dramas,determined,brilliant,dislikes,enjoys.confident,excited, physically-challenged]


Tristan is a paraplegic and is wheel-chair bound. He is a very confident person. He is [1]............. about going to his new school.,Chesterlea Grange. It is a  residential school and it caters for the [2]....................... He enjoys taking part in [3]................and acted as Tom Sawyer in the school play.


James is shy,inward-looking and lack confidence. He [4].............playing football and [5].............taking part in plays. He feels that Tristan is [6].................than him in studies and possesses better computer skills. He is worried about going to his new school, Highfields. Highfields is a [7]


The twins' mother is loving and caring of her two children. She is [8]............. that Tristan should start to learn to be independent. She also hopes James will become more [9] ......................  She thinks both of her boys are [10]..............and feels very proud of them at the school play. She hopes that her decision to send them to different schools is a smart move.

This is very simple exercise and you should get all 10 answers right if you have 'fully digested' your book!

Did you have fun doing it? I do hope you did!

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