February 21, 2010

Flipping Fantastic: Exposition

Before we go to the issues and concerns plaguing the twins,let us look at the setting. In literary circles,the setting is that part of the short story called the exposition. The exposition is the beginning of the story where the main characters are brought into the picture.

So what is the setting or the exposition?

It is the last day in Peter Hill Primary for the twins. A play is always held on the last day. Both of the boys are involved in it. Tristan has the lead role while James took a bit part. The play was 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'. Tristan was selected for the role of Tom.

While Tristan took to the role like fish to water, James was ill at ease. Tristan had a good memory and could deliver his lines almost like a professional. James, on the other hand, is nervous and oftentimes stumble even if the role only has one line.

On the big night,among the parents watching,sitting in the front row was the boys' mother. She was so happy that her two boys were acting in the play. She marveled at how well Tristan delivered his lines. She was also pleased with James even though she senses he had stammered a little bit.

For Tristan, he was definitely very delighted with the way the whole play turned out. The stage and prop were all in place. Not a single thing was amiss. As for his acting, he felt he did a good job. James, on the other hand, felt he stumbled on his singular line and did noticed Jessica Parker laughing at him from the audience. He disliked the girl.

This was the setting or the introduction of the short story.

The other secondary characters to be mentioned in the short story apart from their mother and  Jessica Parker is Kiara Jones, a girl whom both Tristan and James liked.

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