August 25, 2009

Soil-less Planting of Vegetables and Fruits.

A new device may soon come into the market which will enable you to grow your own fruit and vegetables without using any soil.As such you can possibly reduce your grocery bills if you want. Through this manner of growing, you dispense with the slugs, dirt and physical labour of planting, not to mention freeing you tiem to do other things.

This scientific method, via a machine called the Power Plant, grows crops and flowers without any soil.It is a NASA technology used by by astronauts to grow fresh fruit and vegetables while in space. Here,seeds are placed on to a 'grow sponge' and a mains-generated microjet system sprays them with oxygenated, nutrient-rich water.

The device can be used to grow fruits such as strawberries and small vegetables such as beans and peas, and is also perfect for herbs such as basil and coriander.

Just fancy that! Hope it hits the market soon!

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