Battlefield Day |
Lambasting outstation voters who are making a bee-line to Teluk Intan to vote today must really be foolhardy and an act of desperation.
The Deface Brigade at Work |
Miscreat Handiwork |
The Politics of Perverse Development |
Showing displeasure at this is a sure sign of Mah's dying strategy to get votes.
If the turn-out is about 85% as anticipated by the Election Commission, then Mah will fall by the wayside of politics come tonight.
A Calm Before Victory? |
The home-run looks ominous for MAH as unnecessary fumbles are committed by his BN partners.
The escalation of the defacing activities on Dyana's posters also shows badly on the BN even though they have come from paid hirelings and other outsourced parties, here for a quick silver dollar.
Every Vote from the OKU counts! |
Dyana will surely get the sympathisers' votes.
The massive 10,000 crowd at the DAP final
ceramah speaks volume as were the empty blue chairs of the last BN's public rally where only 70 persons came in to listen is ample evidence on how the wind is blowing.
Mah's Waterloo? |
"Aye!" says the Blue Chairs |
We will only know how strong the wind is blowing tonight at about 9 pm.
Vote from the Common Folks |
Stellar Optics of Dyana Do Sway Them |
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