Glitter is All gone |
For many, after 4 years of receiving
hibah, nothing could possibly go wrong. At more than 30% annual returns, they were awashed in
moolah while their poorer cousins had to tolerate the low fixed deposit regime of an average 2.8%.
To lend authenticity to their name, the company brought in the King, The First Lady Rosmah and obviously Mr Gold is God ex-PM, Mahathir at their functions.
It was all rosy as an impending Mediterranean holiday package when it all caved in. On both sides of the Causeway, Genneva was raided by the authorities.
Mama Mia! It's All gone! |
Now, the Deputy Finance Minister seems to point to the fact that the operations of this company was 'all mist and mirrors' and have been operating a Ponxi scheme of sorts. Liabilities was more than assets.
For those who gave in their life-savings to these scheme ,woe betide and they may not crawl out of this hell hole forever. May be in another life!
Just like how they screwed up the Astro IPO by selling a debt ridden
Astro, do not trust the Malaysian authorities. Not the current politicians and always, not any ex-PMs.
These ex-PMs do not do magic. Not on the job, never when out of the job!
All that glitters is not gold!
Les Miserables! |
T'is but a valuable lesson to learn when your nest-egg is all gone!