Roasting or roasted? |
It's one treacherous pursuit.
Hopefully, it is an unfinished journey and sweet melodies may beckon.
God knows, even those who bought low below RM1.00 per lot have to suffer the indignity of suffering from first blood losses.
A third party bought in 5,000 shares at the RM1.41 to RM1.43 before the cum period ended.
12th July saw odd commencing prices wit the highest being 99 sen. The lowest was RM93.5 sen.
Thankfully, demand rose yesterday with the share moving almost to the adjusted fair trading price of RM1.06. It closed at RM1.04.
Cum shareholders should see the light of day when the Offer for Sale Rights (OR)letter goes atrading on 17th to 23rd July. Assuming that it fetches good prices of RM0.40 per OR or more, then 4000 shares should set RM1,600.
We also do not know the price of the warrants.
Until we know all these variables, I think there is still a fighting chance in BJF.