Edge of the Seat Suspense! |
Though Season 1 was slow; trying to work out the background details; Season Two was nail biting with a cat-and-mouse game played by Congressman Brody, CIA agents Kerrie, Saul and David Estee.
Nicholas Brody |
The introduction of Israeli agents into the picture also created additional suspense.
The Second Season ended with a bang when Brody's car blew out a memorial service for the deceased Vice-President. The hundreds of dead victims was quite a sight.
Carrie Mathison |
It also help tie loose ends with Brody leaving the country and Kerrie deciding to continue her service with the CIA.
Jessica Brody |
Family-wise, it also allows a new beginning for Brody's family to have a new surrogate father through Mike.
Saul Berens |
Let us see whether the Third Season can sustain the suspense.