Heartbreaking Humour |
Most of the younger generation will remember the Ben Stiller version of the
Heartbreak Kid which was mostly comedic and meant to poke fun.
However, the original 1972
Heartbreak Kid was really something else. And much more.
Lusting or Loving? |
Here, a young Charles Grodin played Lenny in a more 'awkward' and less funny way.
Lenny is the protagonist who did not know what he wanted out of a relationship or even a marriage or two.
This original movie was also the true debutante platform for a young and charming Cybil Shepherd who played Kelly.
It showcased her physical form, beauty and cheekiness as she played love and lust games along with a confused Lenny.
Rapture and Capture |
Lenny was actually spun like a top by this young thing who led him up the garden path from the beach in Miami to a remote cabin in Minnesota.
stripping game in which Kelly toyed with Lenny in the old cabin was mischievously funny and reminds one of a coming of age movie.
An Icy Encounter with Kelly's parents |
It is sexual teasing that is so well done and remains one of moviedom
extraordinary great moments which has yet to be paralleled up to this day!
The really weird confrontation between a silent and glummy Kelly's father and a brash and gutsy Lenny was equally amusing particularly the scene when he tried to buy over Lenny, poker style with his wad of cash.
Lusty Cheekiness |
The final scene when Lenny was totally lost even at his own wedding dinner after marrying Kelly truly exemplify the woes of a heartbreak kid!
What does he really want?
Amusing fare. Great movie!