May 21, 2012

Bruce Lee, The Big Boss

In 1971, he was the wonder kid of Hong Kong, bringing Raymond Chow's Golden Harvest production house to face off, neck to neck, with Chinese filmdom's moghuls, Shaw Brothers.

The Big Boss was a milestone of a movie that launches the big screen career of Bruce Lee, after his side-kick role as Kato in the TV series The Green Hornet.

Nail biting action and some to the ludicrous, especially the villain crashing into a wall leaving a body outline must be real funny to us then.

As usual, it was blood works to the end until Bruce Lee's persona was apprehended after so much carnage and bloodshed.

As the One-Armed Swordsman and Dragon Inn were benchmark blockbuster movies, so was The  Big Boss  as it brought fame to the late Bruce Lee. Maria Yi Yi starred as eye candy and there was also a guest appearance by Cora Miao as a hawker by the roadside, teased and bullied by the thugs.

A refreshing plot  location somewhere in Thailand is one of the positive aspect of bringing home the truth behind the saying that " where there is water, there are Chinese".

A good re-visit for a  hard-core Bruce Lee fan that I am.

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