December 15, 2011

The Unifi Experience

I got Unifi fixed in my house.
Happy with Unifi

The contractors came about 9.30 am and only finished the work at 1.30 pm.

There was not much really to be done.

Connecting from their source box outside on the telephone pole, an optic fiber line was attached along my external wall . Then a hole was drilled to allow the wire to come in.

We had the set-top box, router and DECT phone placed on a mantlepiece.

First experience with Unifi-As far as internet browsing and downloading is is really superb.

Have to get used to my phone and the old phone number has been changed.

As for the IPTV, for a month, I can watch 48 channels but after that only 14 comes free. Pay per view on a selected channel  is RM3 per month

It was crystal clear sharp though at one moment or two while watching Chicken Run, it freezed.

Need to provide this feedback to Unify Center.

Otherwise, my first impression-Unify is great and a tad cheaper.

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