March 31, 2016

Bamboozled by a Battery

The one that went flat

Yes, blame it on my failure to notice that the car lights were on.

Blame it on the radiant evening sun that streaks and freaked me out and even when I check the light switches, it appeared to be off. Has madness crept over me?

Or blame it on my cataracts that I have yet to have a operations to rid me of the float, flashes and what-nots.

Whatever it was, that fateful day, 29 March 2016 proved to be an expensive day.

I have to pay RM 183 for a new battery.

This is a maintenance free type as compared to the water top-up type that would cost RM50 less.

What a day...........
Payint the Piper RM 183
My mistake. I pay!

March 25, 2016

The Passing of K. Anbalagan

I stumbled upon Gnyanambikai today at the Big Aeon supermarket at Tropicana Mall.

It was a happy meeting but with heavy news.

Almost 2 years ago, my great friend whom we affectionately  called Anbu passed on.

According to Gnyanam, it was 22 April 2014.

Having chest pain, he went first to the Kelana Jaya Community Clinic and then rushed to the Universiti Hospital. Drove himself. Collapsed at the Trauma Centre and was confirmed Dead on Arrival.

According to Gnyanam, after his death, she found a set of x-rays showing the blockages he had in his heart.

Was it a death wish, Ambu?

Sad to know of his passing.

I am sure he is at a better place now.

For us, the living, count our blessings for God is on our side.

My 2-years too late condolences to Gnyanam on the passing of her husband, Anabalagan.

Always remembered in my daily prayers.