It's as if Murphy is in full control of everything these days. I oftentimes think that Murphy is a moniker for Satan. He is a real spoilsport,messing things up for all good people. He brings misfortune to the poor and needy and he allows the rich and nasty to get away with more riches their greedy hands can ever hold.
When you feel that an opportunity has arisen to buy into a preferred stock, the price, with Murphy's conniving, will up and you would have no choice but to take the seller's price for fear that it will spiral up further. Once you have bought in, Murphy plays puck with you and let it all down the drain. Cry for all you want, Murphy is a person of dark humour.
So these days, be extra careful. Brilliant hind-sight analysts have been painting all kinds of scenario and providing wanton recommendations. Caveat emptor! If they are that good, they will not be analysts!
It's rather sad that after two pump-priming efforts, there is yet to be that much desired trickling down effect. The laymen have yet to feel anything of the stimulus packages. Yes, the stock market went up from February onwards-albeit too fast for comfort and it is now in Neverland, up one day down three. All we see these days is dull range play.
Recently, we have all forms of liberalization to prop up the stock market, the ringgit and the property market. FDI has gone down the drain and resuscitation is badly required to get the earlier capital flight back home.
While analysts look through the ramifications of PM Najib's new investment policies, the stock market is in suspended animation.
Truly, a good, bad and ugly scenario.
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