With so many Malaysia Bolehs from outer space to dropping a Proton Saga in the Artic Circle and selling an international company for one euro, what else can shock Malaysians?
And so it came to pass. Yesterday, a Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk T. Murugiah visited the Cameron Highlands Hospital maternity ward. He, apparently, had a 'cultural shock' to find Orang Asli mothers as young as 11 and 12 years old.
However, strangely, it was not the age of the mothers that caught his attention. It was more that these mothers do not know the need for birth certificates for their young ones. Apparently, a deja vu for him since he is in the know of such happenings among the natives of Sabah and Sarawak.
So,what else is new?
Malaysia Boleh lagi!
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