It is definitely one awesome movie, the likes of Braveheart in terms of blood,gore and violence.
The story-line is thin, perhaps even improbable. A common man becomes a great general and was destined to return the reins of government to a republic,only to be thwarted by Commodus, the son of Marcus Aerilius who killed the father, to become the next Caesar.
At once, soldiers were dispatched to kill him and his family. They succeeded in killing his wife and son whom they crucified. Maximus, the general in question, was sold into slavery and became a gladiator of distinction known as The Spaniard.
As expected, he killed Commodus in the Great Coliseum after being wounded by foul means before the battle royale. He dies after handing power to the Senate to make Rome a republic once more.
Perhaps in terms of violence, it is better that the all time great Spartacus, another great movie about gladiators. Other than that, Spartacus is a more superior movie especially with the acting prowess of Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Jean Simmons and Tony Curtis.