Two and half Storey Semi- Ds in Jelutong Heights |
And so it was, one day in my life.
Today, I accompanied Bernard on his usual routine to look over a property for sale in Jelutong Heights and a factory for rental in Telok Gong,
I could feel the anticipative spirit in his discussions with me. He told me that though the job as a real estate negotiator can be challenging, it has its really good days.
According to Bernard, if you have staying power and are persistent, you will succeed.
He told me then that he was one of the 5% of the negotiators that still remains in the field. Most fell by the way because they lack good English skills to be able to talk meaningfully with the prospective vendor, seller and the subsequent legal dealings with SPA lawyers.
We stop by at Jelutong Heights where we put up a banner on a house for sale. Originally bought at RM 1.4 million four years back, the asking price is now RM 1.7 million.
Interestingly, I found out that the guards can really be useful and could help real estate agents by getting prospective players . So, Bernard left a few of his calling cards with them for them to 'spin some magic'.
Bernard told me some owners do not want banners on their property and so in the event that you want to put up a banner, seek the permission of the vendor first.
The Detached factory looks like this in Telok Gong |
Next, we went to Teluk Gong to look at a factory. It was for rental at RM 45 thousand per month. Place was vacated by an air-condition assembly company since December 2014.
An interesting observation by Bernard was that there was just too many broker banners on the property. This will give an impression that something could be wrong with the property. The correct way is to allow only a few brokers to handle the sale or rental of the property.
Image is everything in the property market, he told me.
He then related a near success story of his to me.
A sale fell through-he decided to forfeit the deposit of the buyer as stated in a letter of undertaking to sign the SPA by a given date. The seller refused to pay. He wanted to institute legal proceedings but then found that there would be little money left even if he could win the case.
Fortunately for Bernard, the Lord was with him and after a few months, the seller contacted him because he felt bad and that he should give Bernard some money for his effort. It was not much but it made his day.
A Real Estate Firm |
I asked him whether I could become a real estate negotiator. Was there examinations to pass?
None he said. All I need was to go through an interview and in all likelihood they will sign me on.
After having a good
bahkut teh meal in Klang, we went home.
One day in my life, that's today for me as I return home knowing that a new window can open for me in the realty line.
Man proposes, God disposes. Amen.