An Autobiography |
While the classic Roots TV series still rule the roost,
12 Years a Slave brings back the bitter nostalgia of what slavery truly is and the atrocities and sheer brutality done unto man by his fellow man because of the color of their skin.
Kidnapped and Enslaved from New York |
In this 2013 rendition of the slave tale, Chiwetel Ejiofor played the protagonist, Solomon Northup. He put on a brilliant performance that evokes both bitterness and sadness as he tells us what he encountered in his enforced slavery from freeman to slave.
Lupita Nongo plays the Female Lead |
Though some may lament that it drags on a little bit, I think we need this pace just to get the true graphic feel of the issues of slavery from the mental and physical torture that the slaves went through.
Lupita Nongo played the female lead with a cameo role from Brad Pitt as Solomon's benefactor.
Threat of Death under Salvery |
I wonder whether this movie will take the Best film at both the BAFTA and the forthcoming Academy Awards.
It is certainly more arty that the comedic
Wolf of Wall Street.
The Cotton Fields |