I revisited Where Eagles Dare three days ago.
At once, it brought me back to my days of youth when everything was exciting with war-time movies. Where Eagles Dare was one of them.
Based on a great book by Alister Maclean, this movie continues to excite as the movie's plot twist and turn as it uncovers one surprise to another in counter espionage. Schmidt,a counter agent himself, led a team of elite soldiers to scale the Castle of the Eagle on the Austrian Alps where a so-called American General was held by the Germans, that were trying to extract war secrets from him.
Schmidt's mission, seemingly to save the general, however, turned out more of one trying to flush out who are the top counter spies in MI5.
An almost three hour movie, Where Eagels Dare is a wee bit slow compared to today's movies but it continues to have its share of thrills.
Great acting particularly from Richard Burton (never was Academy awarded), a young Clint Eastwood and Mary Ure.