Seek financial solace |
After only two months of evaluation, I have come to the conclusion that debt is one of the most worrisome problems that can befell me financially particularly in my current status as a pensioner.
This month is something of a watershed for me as I have so far disposed of one of my major personal loan from a foreign bank.
Cut this Out! |
Today, I found time to go to another foreign bank to terminate my credit card as well as put the expensive overdraft facility to pasture. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
For me, the next thing to do will be to terminate another two credit cards. Again,both are issued by foreign banks.
I have also made up my mind to review three personal accident policies and perhaps to possibly say good-bye to all of them.
As a major loan repayment schedule looms ahead of me in 2014, the best thing to do is to cut me as much slag as possible so that I will not become an easy victim of runaway inflation and rising interest rate at the same time.