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The year 2009 has opened a new chapter for PM Najib who took over the country’s leadership in April. As the new prime minister, every speech, directive and comment made has claimed attention from the masses. Below are some of the interesting quotes by the prime minister this year.
• I urge us to rise to the challenge of building a 1 Malaysia. People First. Performance Now. (April 3: On assuming office as the sixth prime minister)
• BN will keep the promises and we will deliver them. We will do away with the practice of announcing “instant noodle” projects during elections. If certain projects would benefit the people and we had promised that to them or committed on them in the elections, we will definitely implement them. (April 5: Commenting on the Bukit Selambau, Bukit Gantang and Batang Ai by-elections results)
• I don’t crave power for the sake of power but I need power to serve the people and ensure successful nation building. (May 20: Addressing a farewell reception at the Finance Ministry)
• The 1 Malaysia is not a new concept or formula but its ultimate objective is national unity, which is the primary vision of previous administrators translated into various forms over the last five decades or so.
• In other words, 1 Malaysia is a concept to foster unity in Malaysians of all races based on several important values which should become the practice of every Malaysian. (June 15: Replying on the 1 Malaysia concept during question time in the Dewan Rakyat)
• “We need not carry the label ‘development with Islam’ because we have been championing the cause of Islam for a long time and had provided a prosperous life to Muslims because we don’t want the Muslims to be poor and without strength. (10/9: at a breaking of fast at Felda Teloi Timor)
• I’ve gone to several places to meet the people. As leaders, if we go visiting without protocol and without the red-carpet welcome, the bunga manggar or any special reception, but we sit down with the people over drinks and hear their problems, the people will remain with us (13/9: speaking in Tawa at a breaking of fast and handing-over of charity contributions to orphans and the poor.)
• I would like to see that we all have a sense of belonging in Malaysia, irrespective of our race, and feel that this is our country. This is our birthplace, this is the country that we will give our undivided loyalty and commitment to. If we can have the resolve, it means we have already reached the stage of embracing the 1 Malaysia concept. I always say “One Dream, One People, One Nation.(13/10:exclusive interview with Bernama in conjunction with the 2009 Umno General Assembly)
• Umno should be seen, regarded and trusted as a party that is capable of looking after the lot of the people. Umno cannot be seen as a party which is only passionate about struggling for the interest of a small group. Instead, we want Umno to be seen, felt and fully trusted as a party that is inclusive and that puts the interests of the people before personal interests. Therefore, the perception that Umno is a party for people to “cari makan” (earn a living) must be erased and discarded. (15/10: maiden speech as Umno president in conjunction with the 2009 Umno General Assembly)
• Believe it, that our struggle is the right struggle, that our struggle is a true struggle. We are Umno, the one party that brings the flame of hope and is capable of charting a bright future for the people.
• Whatever the challenges, whatever the hurdles, with a mount of hope, we continue this journey with confidence, all dreams will be fulfilled, a drop will become an ocean, a clump will become a mountain. (15/10: maiden speech as Umno president in conjunction with the 2009 Umno General Assembly)
• After we’ve made the amendments, we begin a new journey by leaving behind the negative elements such as money politics, so that we become a clean and respected party. (15/10: maiden speech as Umno president in conjunction with the 2009 Umno General Assembly)
• I have to make a decision in the interests of the BN. I am not merely the president of Umno; I am also the chairman of the BN. I am the prime minister not only for the Malays; I am the prime minister for all Malaysians. (1/11: opening Gerakan national delegates conference)
• We will change for the better. I give you the commitment, we will change for the better. But I ask (that it should be) not only me. Do not just look at the prime minister; we all must reflect the change. We must be like the train. (When) the train is moving ... it cannot be the locomotive alone ... everybody else must work together. (1/11: opening Gerakan national delegates)
• There is no need to bang tables or throw files at them but those who do not perform must be told of their dismal performance and the need for them to improve. (2/11: Prime Minister’s Department staff at its monthly gathering)
• Subsidies is an illness, once you enjoy it, it is hard to give up. (4/11:speaking at Bankers Club Luncheon Talk)
• I believe that as the Prime Minister of all Malaysians, it is vital that I personally supervise the effectuation of the first budget under my administration. (11/11: Blog 1 Malaysia: Implementing the 1 Malaysia Budget)
• I have been saying privately, but I might as well say it publicly, that the thing I liked about President Bush’s foreign policy is that he was very pro-free trade. Frankly I don’t like the other policies, but I like his policy on free trade. (14/11: panel session at the Apec CEO Summit 2009).
• Our diversity must be a blessing if it is not to be a curse (21/11: keynote address to open Asia Society’s Asia 21 Young Leader Summit). — Bernama