That triggered off a huge clamour from many parties; some for action against the use of the holy word whilst others insist on its usage as they are protected by the Federal Constitution to practice their religion unfettered. Most of it is sound and fury. It may go out of control if the political masters are not rational or benevolent.
But what exactly is new in 'powder-keg' Malaysia? Malaysia is as yet an unknown quantity after 52 years of fragile independence. A spirit of tolerance knits the Malaysian society ever loosely. The threads may give way, any time.
We are in such times today. Every step PM Najib takes in this matter is very important for he is indeed walking on a 'bed of eggs'.
What makes this time different from those in the past is the melding of politics into religion in a more positive manner in 2010. The very fact that PAS is willing to agree on the usage of 'Allah' by the Roman Catholics is a battle won. As PAS takes a risk, will UMNO also go on a limb too?
Is UMNO willing to go onto a middle path to appease both the fundamentalists and the liberals in the party? The hawks are screaming from the sky while the liberal moderates are fighting it out on the internet. In the end it will be Premier Najib who will have to take a calculated risk to ensure his 1Malaysia stand steadfast in the current tempest.
What is also interesting is that Bernard Dompok, a Cabinet minister from Sabah, Pakatan Rakyat,MCA and Koh Tsu Koon representing the Gerakan has also came out of the shadows for the first time to support the Herald's use of the word, "Allah" while the Barisan Nasional's elder brother,UMNO,in business as usual fashion, has seen it fit to appeal to the courts. And that is to be expected.
A court decision is no decision. Even ex-PM Mahathir said this. The man in the street all know that. We need a political solution, one that is palatable to all.
Will PM Najib walk the thin red line and behave statesman-like or will he choose to take the path of least resistance for his own political survival?
The rest of the days of 2010 should tell.