It is THE practice of publicity seeking companies on BSKL to give door-gifts its its loyal shareholders as well as to ensure a good feeling turnout at the AGM. It is a measure of their personal success of the Chairman and his management, the corporate image and a kind of yearly
deja vu they savour.
While some companies reward shareholders well, others provide token gifts and those with generous hearts in their bosoms give truly good gifts worthy of their thanksgivign to loyal sahreholders.
In my experience attending AGMs the last three years, let me just look at those that are stingy,thankless and graceless.
Not friendly |
First on the list for all times is the so called oil giant. ESSO. Compared to Boustead Petroleum and Shell who give great gifts, ESSO is Sylock personified. It gives nothing except for light refreshment. Do not attend their meeting. Do so, if the new pinoy owners give more than chicken adobo.
Poor Start on Debut |
Eversendai- another stingy
counter. Making oil and gas money galore from Bahrain to Dubai. Stingy as the Nizam of Hyderabad. No door gift. Keep away!
Sad shareholders attending their AGMs |
Next, we have Tasco. They say that Japanese are kind. Not these. Only a drink on the house. Pay for food!
Never let your shadow fall at the doors of the company when they hold their AGM.
Hollow hearts |
Then,let us look at this big bank- After consuming EON Bank, it's share moved up to RM12.50. Yes, at their AGM, no morning breakfast or a drop of water-not even for old folks from faraway places. lousy AGM follows by cheapskate
nasi lemak. Keep away again from the Kwek company.
Kedukut with a Capital K |
We must not forget KAF. No, 1000 shares-no door gift. You are an investment bank. T
ak akan hanya gantung to big boys. Many small retailers can help your bottom line, too. Imagine 999 shares-tak dpat juga. Mana ada justice! Don't buy their shares as their fortunes are tied to Bursa KL. When Bursa go, they go down further.
We are stingy-lah |
Yes, not forget the Red-coloured Airline-Air Asia. Now anyone can fly but if you have 999 shares, no door door gift as well. You are tuned out, so says Tony.
So are we! |
Also remember Mulpha International, won't you? No door-gift lah. We also like Tony's airline.
Premier No go! |
Top premier development but good friend of the Nizam as well. Poor hi-tea and no door gifts. "Everything for me me me!" Don't even think of going.
The Malu Bank? |
Another joke for a bank. Gives out odd plastic bags at the AGM that you can find better ones at the local pasar malam. Don't go to their AGMS.
Discriminatory Policies? |
Poor door gifts can be expected at IOI Corp and MBf. IOI differentiate its shareholders. If you have less than a 1000 shares, you get RM30 voucher;otherwise it is RM50 food voucher. Anyway, siapa mahu pergi makan di Putrajaya?
No wonder nak jual card business |
MBf Holdings is engrossed on giving organisers as door gift year after year? Do you need a gift catalogue? Need a consultant?
Sugar Jester? |
MSM and Bumi Armada are so lousy-lah. Claim to be international O&G contractors. One gave small sedekah size table sugar and Bumi give Colonel Sanders RM20.00 only. Disproportionate-l
Nice logo,lousy door gifts
Cheapened product? |
Forgot you are a hospitality stock? |
The last two companies I would like to delve on are the two Genting companies and Tradewinds(TWS). These three companies are no longer generous. Gentings have cheapen their door-gifts just like they have cheapen all the drinks at their casinos on the hill. AS Genting is in the hospitality industry, they cannot cut down on servings of Milo and teh-tarik. Mak more money, not cut down on freebies for gamblers and tourists. You have lost goodwill, my buddy. Very difficult to get back. As door-gifts, they have now decided to give Old Town Coffee. No more gratis hotel stay and Holiday cards. Another absolute letdown!
Finally, we have Tradewinds, the former Pernas. Used to give good door gifts but this year, it turned into Stooge and gave a goody bag of less than RM10.00 in value and worse, they do not have enough supply of door gifts for shareholders after having them line up for an hour just to register! Blame Symphony too!
I will touch on the other lousy counters in the next posting so that shareholders need not attend those meeting ever
this only?no more lousy company?
Many more. Let me add 2 more to the list:
Air Asia-doubly useless. No respect for those below 1000 holdings.
IOI-lower food voucher value for those with shares below 1000 holdings
I guess more will become stingy with the expected lousier 2H of 2012 with the China powerhouse losing steam.
Recently, I attended CSL. Also another cheapskate. Besides share price plummet from RM 1.5 to 28 sen, no door gift too. Don't ever go such companies.
Also, Berjaya group of companies are getting "kiamsiap" too. Above 100 shares, you get combination of RM 50 vouchers. Below 100 shares, RM 20 Kenny Rogers voucher.
Not too bad compared to Genting at least. Not only no more rooms, like you said, up there at casino also cheapskate. No quality.
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