I think it was only lately that I partake of the notorious terubuk fish.It is also known as the longtail scad. A freshwater fish, it is found or cultured in brackish water.
Why you may ask that it took me that long to sample this fish?
The basic reason is it is full of bones. Some are fine and hairy while others could be forked and hard as well.
To eat this fish, you must take maximum care. Always eat the fish separately. Never chew it together with rice. Take out the longer forked bones. Some people would just eat the soft hairy bones but for those with sensitive throat, best that you eat the fish with utmost caution.
The skin of the terubuk fish with its scale is edible. The flesh is sweet. It is a good fish to savour when fried or roasted over charcoal fire.

I have not eaten it cooked with any form of curry.
Have you tried the terubuk fish?
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