To date they have charged only three minnows. Where are the great oaks, you may ask.
The usual answer-coming soon as seen on old cinema posters of halcyon days.
Why so? Too much intricacies and we need to build a solid case beyond reasonable doubt. This I believe so, Mr. AG.In fact, this you must do as many high profiled cases are just 'gone with the wind'! The DPPs could not even cooked out a prima facie case.
In a season where the public are crying for the 'big fishes' and not the willowy 'sardines', can we put more experts on the case?
"We’ve also engaged a group of consultants, accountants sitting down and going through the documents," so says the AG.
"They have outlined certain things but cannot get me certain evidence yet," he said, adding that investigators need to follow the money trail, following which many people will have to answer for.
On the question of catching bigger fish, he said: "You don’t swindle that kind of money if you’re not a big fish. So let’s get this straight first then we go to the next one." Well said, my good AG.
"There are so many aspects. There are civil litigation aspect, there is the criminal aspect, there is recovery – there are so many aspects that we the task force is looking at." Point taken,my good man.
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