Wouldn't you be surprised,stunned, shocked and alarmed seeing this guy standing on this solitary rock in the Grand Canyon. The canyon's depth is 900 meters(3,000 feet) here.The rock on the right is the edge of the canyon which is perfectly safe.

Watching this guy in his rubber thong sandals, burdened with a camera and a tripod, you couldn't but ask these questions:
1. How did he climb that rock?
2. Why not take that sunset picture from that rock on the right, which is perfectly safe?
3. How will he get back?
After the sun sets behind the canyon's horizon, he packed his things and prepared himself for the jump. This took about 2 minutes. At that point he definitely had the full attention of the eager crowd.
This is the point of no return. After that, he jumps in his thong sandals and only having one hand free.
The adjacent rock is a bit higher than where he is and quite steep.
The photographer hopes to use his one free hand to grab on to the rock. Let us look carefully at the photographer. He is carrying a camera, a tripod and also a plastic bag all on his shoulder or in his left hand. He jumps and lands low on his flip flops as both his right hand and right foot slip away.
He manages to push his body tightly against the rock.The crowd watches in suspense and fears for the worst. We then see him waiting for a few moments to catch his breath.He then threw his stuff on top of the rock, climbs up and walks away to the relief of the watching crowd.
What a dare-devil!
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