This was my first appearance in court as a witness for the defense.
It was 9 December 2009. Court began at a little before 10 am. Every one bowed as the judge stepped in. And so began the days' deliberations. Witnesses were asked to leave for the witness room until called.
I was called as Witness No. 2 for the day. The lawyer for the plaintiff I guess was quite well prepared. Only thing, he was more on a affirmative path to confirm things. I really do not know what he was gunning for. After a short 30 minutes, I was released.
What do I feel? Definitely, not in awe of the legal process. As I myself possess a Diploma in Law and the proceedings were conducted in English, I was more at home.
I am not sure of the court procedures. Seems to be different from that of a Magistrate's court.
And that was my experience in court. Not exceptionally significant but a milestone in my life, nevertheless.
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