More information has now leaked out about what actually transpired on the afternoon of 15th October at the MCA CC Meeting. It is now common fact that President Ong had refused to quit despite a majority of CC members requesting his resignation.
Ong then used his prerogative as President after that meeting to call for yet another EGM.So what will be the issue that will have to be decided by delegates at this new EGM?
According to Secretary-General Wong Foon Meng, delegates will be asked to either support Ong or to dissolve the central committee so that fresh elections can be held.
The wording of the resolution proposed for the next EGM is thus very important. No one wants what happened on Double Ten to rear its ugly head again. Because the MCA constitution is supreme, Ong cannot be dislodged legally and so gets to keep his seat even though he has lost all moral rights to it.
The only way to unseat him, if he refused to resign, is to have two third of the Central committee resigned immediately, thereby precipitating fresh elections.Until that happens, Ong gets to continue as President and also be by extension, a Cabinet minister.
Interestingly, by having this new EGM, Ong get a second bite at the cherry by asking the same delegates who gave him a vote of no confidence last weekend to now back his leadership.
His current action has now pitted him squarely against the erstwhile central committee members and their supporters who supported him at the earlier EGM. So, just looking at the potential numbers lined up against him, expect Ong , in all likelihood,to lose the vote again.
Until the next EGM day arrives, rival factions will surely be working overtime to develop strategies and counter strategies to secure their vested interests.
And so, at this sad nadir of MCA's long history, also anticipate that narrow and naked 'Me, Mine and Myself' objective to drive both the challengers and the incumbents as they go forth on their quest for party ascension and self-preservation.
As observers, we now await with baited breath on what will transpire next in this unfolding chinese wayang.
1 comment:
Before 10/10/ OTK distinctly said
that he will step down if the delegates vote against him even by a simple majority.Now he rescinds on his words. Yet he said he is a man of principle. No doubt , constitutionally he is still the rightful president.It needs 2/3 majority to dislodge him. But he still clings to power.
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