On such an auspicious day as this when you want to effect a name change, you fumbled BIG TIME. Shareholders came for the EGM and was shocked at the insensitivities of this so called first-tier bank. No refreshment, no door gift. Not even a bottle of water to quench the thirst of the senior citizens who have diligently woke up and come to the SDCC to support you.
We understand that it is puasa time. We would not push it if you do not serve breakfast. But couldn't you have given food coupons tenable at SDCC food joints instead? You were not thinking,right.Someone took away your thinking caps?
Again, you could have held the EGM after Hari Raya,then everyone would have a great time with food galore and all the merriment. You could even have provided shareholders with commemorative gifts that will remind them of this occasion. BUT NOOO! You were also not thinking. Missing thinking cap syndrome again? What a laugh!
To make matters worse, your honourable Chairman came late for the meeting;by some fifteen minutes, blaming his lateness on the traffic. Macam mana,tuan? You should have shown good teladan and come in early. Sit sown in the holding room or better still come down from your public high horse position and shake hands with the shareholders. Create goodwill. Show that you are an approachable Chairman,willing to be part of the whole CIMB community. Tetapi apa sudah terjadi?
Insensitivities!!! That's what you are, CIMB.
Remember your stakeholders. They have elephant memories!
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