How did his so-called climbing career started?
Forgetting his house keys one day,Robert simply scaled the exterior wall of his parents' eighth-floor apartment to his home. He compounded his skill by scaling rock cliffs in the area around his home.

No doubt, we hear mostly about his successes.But fell he did on two occasions.In 1982 he suffered two accidents, the first at the age of 19 and the second at the age of 20. He suffered multiple fractures and suffered from permanent vertigo. The doctors considered him 60 percent handicapped and told him he would not be able to climb again. However, within 6 months he was climbing again. He kept taking on more and more challenging structures and improving his skills. He polished his rock- climbing skills in the French Alps before turning his focus to buildings.
The buildings that Robert has scaled successfully include Eiffel Tower,Sydney Opera House, Montparnasse Tower,the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur;Sears Tower in Chicago; the Marriott Hotel in Warsaw;Luxor Obelisk in Place de la Concorde, France;National Bank of Abu Dhabi, UAE;Taipei 101,Cheung Kong Centre in Hong Kong; Europa Tower in Vilnius;Torre Vasco da Gama in Portugal; Santa Fe World Plaza in Mexico City;Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Jin Mao Building in Shanghai;
the Federation Tower office building in Moscow;Portland House building in London;Four Seasons Place in Hong Kong;New York Times Building in New York City; and Lloyd's building in London.
He has also successfully scaled the 1,518 metres (4,980 ft) Tianmen mountain to promote tourism for the provincial authority in China.
He was caught again scaling the Petronas Twin Towers this morning. This time he conquered the full height of the Twin Towers. Bravo! (1 September 2009).He was subsequently arrested and jailed for a night and then fined RM2,000 for trespass.
This man is a respected hero in his own way. He is the only SPIDERMAN. Forget that comic character!

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