Well, the proxy papers did not arrive. A lady at the registration counter promised to help us perhaps by putting us on the invitee lists, if the Directors should have no objection. Then came the Company Secretary. With her stern countenance, she satred at us and disagreed. so, do not only expect only bureaucracy and inflexibility in the government service. They are inflexible in public listed companies too. I then asked her who I can talk to to resolve this problem. He pointed me to someone in a black suit-I think he could be the Chairman. He listened to my tale of woe but stood his ground. It was a negative. No proxying without proper forms formally lodged.I told him I am not interested in breaking the rules of his company as well as the Companies Act. All I asked was for him to help save the situation as suggested by the Secretary that we be placed on the Invitee List. This did not cut either. It was a flat No! So, we requested if he could resolved our car-park payment as it has cost us money just to come for the meeting from so far away. I guessed he felt that he did not want any more hassle or trouble from us. He then quickly fished out RM10 from his wallet to pay for the parking charges. I guess it was his way to summarily get rid of us! That he succeeded!
I do not blame QL for the trouble we were in this morning but I thought the Chairman or whoever he was, could have save us the day by making us invitees.
After all, there were not many who were in the same quandary as us this morning! Sadly, it was just poor goodwill on his part. A shame, I would say for a company that made RM1 billion+ per year!
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