It was a good opportunity to meet up with old friends who have retired as well as those currently serving or on contract extension.
I was updated on a few things.
i. Seems, right now there is a contract service for those who join the Administrative and Diplomatic Service. We called it earlier on as probation in service before being confirmed. Now, they called it contract and only those who have so-called performed, can then join the service. I guess they save on pension calculations in this manner.
ii. Seems that Chinese generally are not desirous of joining the civil service. I guess too many tales about the lack of promotion as well as working among a majority number of another race must have really demotivated would be applicants.
iii. For those in the higher echelon of service who retired,the annual pension could be considered good as it is equivalent to the interest accruing from a bank deposit of RM1-RM2 million (On current 2.5% current rates). If they should pass away, the total pension will be given to the wife.
But the most interesting thing that I never knew was that it is only in the Malaysian civil service world-wide that health care is provided for the parents of civil servants. This is one up for the government's "Love for the Family" concept.
So, there are some minor innovations here and there but a lot of things can still be done.
Hope the current civil service leaders can think out of the box to bring more equity in the civil service to support the political masters deliver the goods to the rakyat.
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