The numbers of affected persons in the UK is 7,447 which may jumped to 100,000 by August. In the US, to date 27,725 persons are infected and 127 have died.
according to the European Center for Disease Preventation and Contol, as of Thursday,2nd July 69,177 persons from various countries have been infected with the death toll at 328.
AH1N1 may evolved to become another deadly airborne disease to pandemically wipe millions from the face of the earth. Be extra careful. Take all precautions because it's spread through breathing. Contact with an infected human can spell the ultimate doom to you. One day you are here, next day you are gone with the wind.
As of today, 3rd July, 47 new cases of A H1N1 has been reported in Malaysia; of which 6 are locally transmitted.
The tally to date for the country has risen to 291 cases,of which 44 are local transmission.
Fortunately, there has been no fatal casualty and 175 infected patients have been allowed to go home after treatment. Another 116 patients are still in hospital quarantine, all without any complications, whatsoever.
A new vaccine to fight the A H1N1 virus will only be ready in August. European scientists are currently working ceaselessly to bring the vaccine onto the market by then.
Meanwhile,take all precautions. Do not shake hands, use rubbing alcohol and wear a msk if you are going to a public place for a long duration of time.
Yes, drink plenty of water,exercise and avoid stress.
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