That the teaching of maths and science in English the last six years has not improved the performance of students in those subjects must be the unkindest cut of all.
This was the Minister of Education's admission in Parliament today. How sad!“There have been changes but the difference is nominal,” he said, citing a two to three per cent change since the policy was implemented in 2003.
Blame the politicians, blame the educationists and even the teachers. They are just scapegoats for poor implementation.
Many in the Ministry of Education may have benefited from the perks of overseas trips as well as short training stints abroad. However, the quality of their teaching method may be suspect.
So what's new?
Will these 2 subjects be teached in English in the future??!!
Malaysia - really fickled-minded...
I think it is too soon to call it off. I doubt the variables used in coming to this conclusion.
So most likely they would strengthen the implementation aspects as well as to continue to allow BM to be used bilingually in the examinations to appease unhappy sectors of the Malaysian population.
This again will be a test of the political will of the government in the face of opposition from the more vocal Malays educationists who are bringing the current reversion to English as a medium of instruction for Science and Maths to the courts as it is against the National Language Act.
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