The Lord came and went. That was almost 2 millenniums ago.
The world citizenry continues to be populated by unbelievers. For instance, the Middle-east and other parts of the Muslim world. Then China and India continue to be steeped in polytheism.
The younger generation-mostly unbelievers and chasing basic instincts from women,wine to songs. They are the in-crowd at discos and social events. The beautiful people parade here in all their wild finery while the youths, armed with electronic gadgets like cellular phones, laptops to what-not feels lost if they are deprived of these demigod wonders. God is just not in their dictionary!
I was speaking to Gan about this.
There was also an article that says that at the rate of Muslim in-migration to Europe and their huge propensity to give birth, Europe would be Muslim dominated in 25 years.
So, what are God-fearing people like us doing about this?
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