October 30, 2010

Mr Nobody

For those who are attending Form 1 in 2011, why not read this simple poem and try out this quiz?
1.                  Who knows a funny little man?

a)                  The children
b)                  The persona
c)                  The cook
d)                  The gardener

2.                  Nobody knows his name, so they called him……..

a)                  Mr.No One
b)                  Mr. Nobody
c)                  Mr. Noname
d)                  Mr. Noperson

3.                  No one knows he is around as he is as quiet as a………..

a)                  grasshopper
b)                  mouse
c)                  lizard
d)                  cockroach

4.                  What does the word ‘mischief’ means?

a)                  to be a chief
b)                  up to no good
c)                  always misses
d)                  a lady chief

5.                  This unseen person is present in …….

a)                  somebody’s house
b)                  everybody’s house
c)                  no body’s house
d)                  someone’s house

6.                  What does Mr. Nobody do to books?

a)                  draws on them
b)                  tears them
c)                  writes on them
d)                  dirties them

7.                  What does the word, ‘ajar’ mean?

a)                  closed tightly
b)                  open at an angle
c)                  open wide
d)                  closed and locked

8.                  What does Mr Nodoby do to your shirts?

a)                  removes the collars
b)                  remove the buttons
c)                  remove the sleeves
d)                  remove the pockets

9.                  What does the word’ scatters’ mean?

a)                  throw in various directions
b)                  gather from all directions
c)                  throw in one direction
d)                  gather around

10.              Who was supposed to oil the door hinges?

a)                  the father
b)                  the son
c)                  the workman
d)                  Mr. Nobody

11.              What kind of wood did Mr. Nobody put on the fire?

a)                  old wood
b)                  wet wood
c)                  dry wood
d)                  damp wood

12.              What does ‘soil’ mean?

a)                  to fertilize
b)                  to dirty
c)                  to clean
d)                  to add earth

13.              What did Mr .Nobody did with the newspapers?

a)                  he tore them
b)                  he toss them around
c)                  he scatters them
d)                  he sold them

14.              What did Mr. Nobody left on the door?

a)                  handmarks
b)                  fingermarks
c)                  scratches
d)                  grafitti

15.              What will make the curtains fade?

a)                  if you leave the window open
b)                  if you leave the blinds unclosed
c)                  if you leave the curtains open
d)                  if you close the windows

16.              What footwear was left on the floor by Mr Nobody?

a)                  shoes
b)                  boots
c)                  slippers
d)                  socks

Wasn't that easy?

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