October 30, 2010


1.   Work on the Opera House started in 1861. How many years did it take to complete?
a)       about 8 years
b)       about 10 years
c)       about 14 years
d)       about 15 years

2.       The Phantom of the Opera has three main players. They are:
a)       Eric,Raul and Christine Daae
b)       Erik, Raoul and Christine Daae
c)       Eric, Raoul and Firman
d)       Erika,Raol and Christine Daae

3.       The Opera House has ………floors.
a)       seventeen
b)       fifteen
c)       twelve
d)       ten

4.       The Opera  Ghost was not described as
a)       A ghost
b)       A phantom
c)       A man in black clothes
d)       A yellow devil

5.       Who apparently saw the Opera Ghost in the Opening Scene?
a)       Meg Giry
b)       Annie Sorelli
c)       Christine Daae
d)       The Persian

6.       What is the name of the play in which Christine sang?
a)       Margarita
b)       Faust
c)       Fluvio
d)       Dazenga

7.       What song is sang by the female lead in the play?
a)       Bambino
b)       Margarita
c)       Simpatico
d)       Nina Rota

8.       Who is the Opera house confidante of the Opera Ghost?
a)       Madame Sorelli
b)       Madame Giry
c)       Madame Berganza
d)       Madame Firman

9.       What were the names of the two Opera Directors?
a)       Armand Munchamin and Fairman Richards
b)       Armand Richard and Armand Domano
c)       Armand Moncharmin and Firmin Richard
d)       Ahmad Mocharmin and Firmin Rrichard

10.    What was the song sang by Christine’s predecessor?
a)       Margaret
b)       Margarita
c)       Flamingo
d)       Mamachita

11.    How does the Opera Ghost describe the voice of the original singer of Margarita?
a)       like a frog
b)       like a toad
c)       like a bird
d)       like a cricket

12.    Raoul first met Christine in
a)       Britain
b)       Brittany
c)       Britannica
d)       Britannia

13.    What was the room of torture called?
a)       Mirror Room of Death
b)        Closet Room of Mirrors
c)       Torture Room of Mirrors
d)       Room of Mirrors

14.    What is the number of the box that The Phantom uses?
a)       Three
b)       Four
c)       Five
d)       Ten

15.    Who was hung by the Phantom for speaking about him?
a)       Jose Buquet
b)       Joseph Buquet
c)       Josef Buquet
d)       Joseph Buguette

16.    Who saw the face of the Opera Ghost?
a)       Madame Giry
b)       Annie Sorelli
c)       Christine Daae
d)       Armand Moncharmin

17.    How much money did the Phantom demanded from the directors?
a)       ten thousand francs
b)       fifteen thousand francs
c)       twenty thousand francs
d)       twenty-five thousand francs

18.    How do you know that the Phantom likes a worker in the Opera House?
a)       He leaves flowers for her in a viewing gallery box
b)       He writes private letters to her every week
c)       He leaves some money for her after the play
d)       He thanked her with embroidered cards 

19.    Where did Christine meet up with Raoul to tell him about the Opera Ghost?
a)       Garden of Passion
b)       The Tuileries Garden
c)       The Perfume Garden
d)       The Galleries Garden

20.    What is the name of the original singer of the opera song?
a)       Le Carlotta
b)       La Carletta
c)       La Charlota
d)       La Carlotta

21.    What is the title used by Raoul?
a)       The Count of De Chagny
b)       The Comte De Chagny
c)       The Vicomte De Chagny
d)       The Viscount  De Chagny

22.    Why was Raoul unhappy after visiting Christine’s dressing room?
a)       He was chased out of the room by the attending doctor
b)       He heard a male voice and suspected it was her lover
c)       He was not recognized by Christine at all
d)       He felt disrespected because of his position and rank

23.    When did the lights in the Opera House suddenly go out?
a)       When Christine started singing her song
b)       When the audience gave Christine a standing ovation
c)       When the huge chandelier came down
d)       When the play started

24.    How many people were killed in the falling chandelier incident?
a)       one man
b)       one woman
c)       12 persons
d)       2 women

25.    Who told Madame Giry that the Opera Ghost was dead?
a)       Christine Daae
b)       The Comte De Chagney
c)       The Constabulary
d)       The Persian

26.    What is the name of the Comte?
a)       Philip
b)       Philippe
c)       Phillippe
d)       Felipe

27.    Why the Comte discouraged his young brother from getting involved with Christine?
a)       She was too old for his brother
b)       She was only an opera singer from Norway
c)       He had a girl to introduce to his brother
d)       She was only a performers’s daughter

28.    What did Christine promised the Opera ghost so that Raoul and the Persian could live?
a)       Marry the Opera Ghost
b)       Promised to sing for him forever
c)       Leave France as his  companion
d)       Give all her earnings to him.

29.    Where was the residence of the Persian?
a)       In Rivoli Gardens
b)       In the Ritz Gardens
c)       In the Tivoli Gardens
d)       In the Iranian Gardens

30.    What evidence can you adduce from the book that The Phantom is dead?
a)       Madame Giry saw his dead body
b)       The Persian saw his dead body
c)       The Driectors saw his dead body
d)       The Comte De Chagny saw his dead body

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