October 30, 2010


Some words in the English Language imitate or suggest the source of the sound that it describes; especially animal sounds. For example a duck quacks, a dog barks, a lion roars and a cat meows.

Similarly, many words have been created from sounds created by objects.

So, we say

1.      the babble of a stream
2.      the beat of a drum
3.      the booming of a gun
4.      the ring of a telephone
5.      the clink of a coin
6.      the dripping of water
7.      the gurgle of a stream
8.      the hissing of steam
9.      the howling of the wind
10.  the jangling of chains
11.  the jingle of coins
12.  the lapping of water
13.  the patter of feet
14.  the screeching of brakes
15.  the slam of a door
16.  the toot of a horn
17.  the whack of a cane
18.  the singing of a kettle
19.  the bubbling of water
20.  the crackling of wood
21.  the creak of a hinge
22.  the lash of a whip
23.  the twang of a bow
24.  the wail of a siren

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