April 28, 2015

The Passing on of Au Leck Chai

Farewell, my friend
Yesterday, 28th April 2015 was indeed a sad day for me. My good friend, Au Leck Chai passed away.

He was in Australia when he detected a growth on his chest. A biopsy confirmed it was malignant and he was put on treatment in Malaysia.

He did another heart operation while back home and got the infected malignant issues surgically removed. Then he was on chemotherapy.

When I met him way back in 2012, he told me he was fine and playing golf regularly. He also could travel to Australia annually to visit his children.

Au has been instrumental in getting my on-off writing career started when he gave me a three year-stint in writing the Annual Performance Reports of Furniture Industry in Malaysia and World-Wide Projections.

His wake will be observed today (29 April) and tomorrow (30th April) at the Nirvana Memorial off Sungai Besi Road. On 1st May, his remains will be cremated at the Nirvana facility in Shah Alam.

The last time I met him was in Tropicana Mall about seven months back for coffee and biscuits at Coffee Bean..

Sad times for me for the passing of a monument of a friend.

Always etched in my memory with lovely thoughts.

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