April 30, 2015

Paying My Last Respects to Au Leck Chai

Au's Obituary from THE STAR
On 30 April 2015, together with Tan Swee Yeong and Lim Kah Kheng, I visited the late Au at the Nirvana Memorial Park at Sungai Besi.

The body was kept on Level 1 Hall No: 12 and solemnly we approached the coffin to have a glance of his remains. He looked peaceful and serene in his suit.

Talking about the circumstances of his demise with Michael, his brother in law from Seremban, I pieced together the last remaining days of brother Au.

He coughed blood after treatment in Singapore. So, he went in and out of University Hospital. He passed on at 11 am or so in the morning of 28 April 2015.

I said my prayers, floated a white flower in a bowl of water; had one long last look at his demeanor and bade him good-bye.

After a cup of coffee and ground nuts, we bade our farewell to Michael and we left Nirvana.

This morning (1 May), Prof Thiru went for Au's interment at the Nirvana facility in Shah Alam.He felt sad and dedicated two songs to Au Leck Chai. These are Tears in Heaven and Forever Young.

Goodbye good friend. Missed but not forgotten!

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